Wondering Walks
St Stephen's Wondering Walks is a free children's activity which meets around once a month. Our guided walks / nature activities have a thought provoking focus, they will get your children active and engaged in their environment. All children, along with their supervisors, are welcome. Meeting points, dates and times will be published on the Facebook page each month depending on what nature throws us! They are followed up with St Stephen's Wondering Workshops on the subsequent Sunday (10.30am - 11.30am), in the church hall, which will continue the theme with games, songs, crafts, stories etc. Feel free to come along to one, other or both events - both usually include refreshments!
Up coming dates:
May11th, (June - none), July 20th, Aug 17th, Sept 21st, Oct 12th
(Weather dependent!)
Saturday 20th July 2024 2pm
Meeting by 25th Medway Scout hut on Concorde Avenue
During this month’s walk, we will be finding as many different species of wild grasses and flowers as we can. We will be thinking about diversity in nature and the human race.
Diversity Workshop: Sunday 21st July
Pressing flowers to make bookmarks
Church hall 10.30 - 11.30am
Saturday 11th May 2024 10.30am
Meeting at St Stephen's Church Carpark
We will be walking through Horsted Valley to collect elderflower blossoms. You will be provided with an elderflower cordial recipe to take home. We will be thinking about what makes us 'blossom'.
Blossom Wondering Workshop Sunday 11th May
Making Elderflower cordial
Church hall 10.30 - 11.30am
New Life
Saturday 13th April 2024 10.30am
Parking on the roadside outside Lordswood Leisure centre
We’ll be walking around Hook Wood, spotting signs of new life springing up after winter. We should be able to spot bluebells, blossom and lambs among other things. You are invited to bring a camera and capture the signs of spring to bring hope when life feels hard.
New Life Wondering Workshop Sunday 14th April
Church hall 10.30 - 11.30am
Saturday 17th Feb 2024
Meeting at Cobtree Manor Park at 10.30am
by the coffee shop
Cobtree Manor Park used to be a zoo. As we wander around the park, we will have a treasure hunt, with each item holding some significance to the balance between protection and freedom.
Freedom Wondering Workshop
Sunday 18th Feb. Church hall 10.30 - 11.30am
Saturday 9th March 2024 (Time to be decided)
Parking in Woodhurst or Kemp Close (Davis Estate) and meeting in the entrance of Taddington Woods (accessible from both of those roads).
During this month’s walk, we will be building a camp in Taddington woods and thinking about how we all need shelter from harm.
Power and Strength
Saturday 20th January 2024
Meeting at Cobtree Manor Park at 2pm
(Bottom of Bluebell Hill on the road to Aylesford)
Embrace the elements and blow away the cobwebs! We will be walking to Allington lock to witness the power of the river and wandering a little further to catch a glimpse of Allington castle. We will consider the power not only of nature, but also of people. What power do we have ouselves? It is a 2.5km, there and back, flat walk, with one road to cross. There is a play park and refreshments at the carpark
Power and Strength Workshop: Sunday 21st January
Church hall 10.30 - 11.30am
Finding Rudolf
Saturday 16th December 2023
Meeting at Ranscombe Farm Parking at 2pm
(Drive towards London on the M2, exit on to A228 to Cuxton. Carpark is on the right before you reach Cuxton)
We will be walking a 3km loop from the small carkpark. We will be trying to spot deer – do you think we’ll find one with a shiny, red nose?
Christmas Crafts: Sunday 17th December
Church hall 10.30 - 11.30am
Saturday 18th October 2023
Parking in Woodhurst or Kemp Close (Davis Estate) and meeting in the entrance of Taddington Woods (accessible from both of those roads).
During this month’s walk, we will be building a camp in Taddington woods and thinking about how we all need shelter from harm.
Shelter Workshop: Sunday 19th November
Church hall 10.30 - 11.30am
Fresh Air Fun
Saturday 7th October 2023
Meeting at the carpark alongside Fort Luton at 2pm
During this month’s walk, we will be using nature for our entertainment! We will think about how important it is to fit fun into our busy lives. Bring a ball!
Feel free to join us for coffee, back at the church.
Fresh Air Fun Workshop: Sunday 8th October
Church hall 10.30 - 11.30am
Fruits of the Earth
Saturday 9th Sept 2023
Meeting at Capstone top carpark at 10am (picnic benches at the far end of the carpark.)
We will be foraging in our natural environment, and considering how, although the Earth provides for us, we still need to take responsibility for ourselves.
Fruits of the Earth Workshop: Sunday 10th Sept
Church hall 10.30 - 11.30am - Jam making
CANCELLED Saturday 5th August 2023
Meeting at Shorne Country Park carpark at 10am.
We will be walking through Shorne Country Park, where we will look at the unique features of different trees in order to identify them. We will think about our own uniqueness, and how it’s important for us to celebrate our differences. Feel free to join us for a drink in the cafe at the end of the walk.
Guardians of the Earth
Saturday 24th June 2023
Meeting at St Stephen’s carpark at 2pm
We will be walking from the church and along to Coney Banks where we will be using litter pickers to help improve our local environment. We will think about how lucky we are to live on this amazing planet and how we all have a responsibility to look after it. Feel free to join us for a drink in the church at the end of the walk.
Guardians of the Earth Workshop: Sunday 25th June
Church hall 10.30 - 11.30am
Picnic, Kite flying, bug hunt
SUNDAY 9th July 2023
Meeting at Capstone TOP carpark at 12.30pm
All Welcome - bring family and friends, a picnic and a kite if you have one! No walk or theme as such, other than spending a sociable, fun time in the sun. The carpark is beyond the Capstone Ski centre.
Sensory Walk
Saturday 13th April 2023
Meeting at Riverside Country Park 9am
We will be meeting in Riverside Country Park carpark. We’re starting early to give us the best chance of hearing birdsong, and we will recording what we hear, see, smell, taste and touch as we walk along the river. We will explore some of our hidden senses during the talk when we will also blow bubbles in the wind. Feel free to join us for a drink in the cafe at the end of the walk.
Hidden Senses Wondering Workshop: Sunday 14th April
Church hall 10.30 - 11.30am
Find your own path
Saturday 11th March 2023
Meeting at Capstone Park 10.30am
We will be meeting by the cafe. I can't tell you our route this time, as the children are going to make all the decisions as to which direction we walk in! If we have anyone with mobility issues, we will do one lap of the lake before heading up onto the higher paths. We will think about how we need guidance in our life, but ultimately have to choose the paths we feel are right for us. Feel free to join us for a drink in the cafe at the end of the walk.
Find your own path'' Wondering Workshop: Sunday 12th March
Church hall 10.30 - 11.30am
Deep Roots
Saturday 18th February 2023
Meeting at Cobham memorial 2.00pm
This walk encounters exquisite ancient trees for the children to spot and clamber on. We will consider the beauty and benefits of age and the roots that we base our lives on. It is a 5km, there and back walk on the flat to the mausoleum. We will meet at the war memorial in Cobham at 2pm. Please leave tme to park up and walk to the meeting point. You can park in the Ship Inn car park if you want to join us for a drink after the walk or there is a community carpark with toilets, further on, on the right. If your child is tree climbing, please supervise them, or better still ... join them!
Deep Roots Wondering Workshop: Sunday 19th February 2023
Church hall 10.30 - 11.30am
Saturday 21st January 2023
Meeting in St Stephen's carpark 10.30am
We will walk along Coney Banks, spotting and collecting evergreen plants. We will walk through Chatham Cemetery and think about how we can keep the memories of loved ones alive and how we can be evergreen through our legacies.
Evergreen Wondering Workshop: Sunday 22nd January 2023
Church hall 10.30 - 11.30am
The setting sun
Saturday 19th November 2022
Meeting at Bluebell Hill 3.00pm
We will have a dusk walk before sitting to watch the sun set. As we watch, we can think of metaphors, that the setting and rising sun, could represent in our lives.
Bring a flask and a blanket
Wondering Workshop: Sunday 20th November 2022
Church hall 10.30 - 11.30am
Sowing the seeds of love
Saturday 8th October 2022
Meeting at St Stephen's carpark 2.00pm
This is a short walk which will involve scattering wild flower seeds along Horsted Valley. The theme will relate to how we can sow positive seeds in the hearts of others.
Wondering Workshop: Sunday 9th October 2022
Church hall 10.30 - 11.30am